Friday, January 06, 2006
BenQ Announces New Line of CDR LightScribe and DVDR Media

BenQ, today announced a new line of CDR LightScribe and DVDR media. The maximum-speed 52x CDR LightScribe media supports the LightScribe direct-disc-labeling technology that burns text and graphics on the surface of the CD, offers a data capacity of 700MB / 80 minutes, and comes in quantities of 25.The DVDR media comes in three variations: DVD+R versions of both the designer and BenQ-branded discs. BenQ's 16x-speed DVDR Designer Collection features stylish designs on the discs, including images of movie film and director clip designs, and provides 4.7GB data capacity. The Designer Collection packs come in quantities of 25.The high-performance 16x-speed BenQ-branded media offers 4.7GB data capacity and comes in packs of 25.
You can read all the news about CES over here.