Saturday, December 17, 2005
Olympus SP-350: review

Jeff Keller has reviewed this digital camera from Olympus. The Olympus SP-350 is a full-featured compact 8 Megapixel camera that falls short in one important area: performance. That's too bad, because there's a lot to like about the SP-350, he said.
The good:
- Good value for the money
- Very good photo quality; good high ISO performance for a point-and-shoot
- Full manual controls
- Large LCD display gains up in low light
- Support RAW image format
- Customizable buttons and menus; favorite settings can be saved to spot on the mode dial
- two live histograms
- In-camera help system
- calendar, title, frames
- VGA movie mode with sound and image stabilization
- Support conversion lenses, underwater case, and external flash
- USB 2.0 High Speed support
The bad:
- Sluggish performance in almost all areas, especially when RAW is used
- While big in size, LCD is small in resolution
- Slow frame rate, small buffer, LCD blackout
- Movies limited to 20 seconds at highest quality setting
- Disappointing low light focusing
- Not much built-in memory, no rechargeable batteries included
- Full manual only on CD
Read more at dcresource